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KB 20210706 - 3 - Information related to HP Firwmare

Compatibility with HP Futuresmart 4.x :

HP is releasing updates to its Futuresmart 4 printer firmware for new and some older printers/MFPs.
That firmware requires some changes in embedded applications and a new version of BarDIMM Pro has been released early this month.
That's BarDIMM Pro 8.2 20171117, available to clients under support contract (please contact your reseller).

Compatibility with HP Futuresmart 4.6.0.X / 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 :

If the HP printer is upgraded with firmware, 4.6.1 or 4.6.2 and is equipped with BarDIMM Pro, an Error 49.38.02 happens and the printer crashes.
This has been determined as being a defect in those printer firmware code, a fix will be present in HP Futuresmart 4.6.3 to be released within a few weeks.
Clients who absolutely need to upgrade their firmware and who are under valid BarDIMM support contract can contact Celiveo  to receive a workaround BarDIMM solution file. That version 8.2C2-20180717             with workaround lacks the support for some early HP Futuresmart printers released between 2010 and 2013, but no functional feature is lacking.

Compatibility with HP Futuresmart 4.7.1 and newer :

Firmware 4.7.1 introduces a new security where print solution packages need to comply with a new code signature mechanism to be installed.
BarDIMM Pro 8.4A1 and newer versions include that new mechanism.
If BarDIMM Pro was installed prior to the printer upgrade to HP Futuresmart 4.7.1 then you don't need to update BarDIMM as the new mechanism controls the installation of the solution.
For all other cases you need to upgrade the BarDIMM Pro USB stick to version 8.4A1, Clients under maintenance and support contract can request the new version from our support, through the contact form.

Compatibility with HP Futuresmart and 4.10.0 firmware : 
HP Futuresmart firmware 4.9.x and 4.10.x being even more recent than 4.7.1, they require BarDIMM Pro version 8.4A1 or newer.
Clients under maintenance and support contract can request the upgrade from our support, through the contact form.
HP Futuresmart firmware and have a defect that load multiple times embedded solutions instead of just once.
This results in corrupted print job data and a printer crash after a few pages.
This problem and the solution can easily be diagnosed by checking the printer configuration page, where repeated lines about IOF 254 Requested for BarDIMM Pro appear. Solution: upgrade the firmware greater than
Update: it has been reported in a few cases the issue may also appear on HP printers with firmware greater than
Apparently a partial clean of the printer fixes the issue. 


Crash 49.38.13 with HP Futuresmart firmware releases between and Futuresmart 5.1  :
Some random crash 49.38.13 may happen when the BarDIMM Pro is installed in the printer equipped with that firmware and other solutions.
The defect is fixed in HP Futuresmart 5.2 firmware.
If your HP printer does not have Futuresmart 5.2 available, we recommend you downgrade to Futuresmart

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