Please follow one of these methods to install the certificate:
  • Via the Certificate Import Wizard

  • Via command line depending on the tool available, enter these scripts:
  • certmgr -add CeliveoPteLtd_Certificate.cer -c -s -r localMachine TrustedPublisher
  • certutil -addstore "TrustedPublisher" CeliveoPteLtd_Certificate.cer

For CVP and lower:
Our certificate is attached to this topic as CeliveoPteLtd_Certificate.cer.
Our certificate is issued by GlobalSign, its thumbprint is 73413debd367074fa1ed3ca7193d32a5ec29ae8e and its serial number is 340d495c293f5cc536822906,

For CVP and higher:

Our certificate is attached to this topic as CeliveoPteLtd_Certificate_2023.cer.

Our certificate is issued by GlobalSign, its thumbprint is 9ddeaca6be485a11bc780177c7f772a48e25a9a0 and its serial number is 54217725d8e50c693fa37ed5