Known Issues

KB20221006 - 1 - My Antivirus Software is detecting a security risk with the installer of the CVP and blocks its installation
Issue When trying to launch the installation of a CVP or CSVP (v some anti virus generate an alert about a possible malware in the package. T...
Mon, 14 Nov, 2022 at 8:17 PM
KB 20221219 - 1 - Crash during login/password authentication on HP Gemstone 2 Printer
Issue On a Gemstone 2 Printer, during the authentication process (with login and password) the following ERROR meessage is displayed: ERROR  System...
Tue, 20 Dec, 2022 at 12:42 AM
KB20221221 - HP Printer Agent issue with HP FS and TLS 1.3
What’s the issue? Starting with the latest FutureSmart 5.5 firmware TLS 1.3 is enabled by default and as such the Celiveo Printer Agent won’t function prop...
Wed, 21 Dec, 2022 at 9:40 PM
KB 20230301 - HP printer crash with FS 5.6
Issue Device crash with error code 49.4A.04 after printing some page of a job   What system is impacted? Only HP printer with firmware 5.6    Soluti...
Wed, 1 Mar, 2023 at 9:57 PM
KB20230322 - 1 - Gemstone 2 device doesn’t synchronize when in DHCP mode
Issue Once the printer has been added to the WA, a synch is launched. After some time, during the configuration process, the synch fails with the follow...
Thu, 23 Mar, 2023 at 12:15 AM
KB 20231030 - 1 - A "USB services are loading" message appear on HP printer
On a HP classic or modern device, the message "USB services are loading" appear. > Several reboot of the device seem to mitigate the issue....
Tue, 31 Oct, 2023 at 12:55 AM